General Terms and Conditions

1.1 These general conditions of sale are issued by CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE.
1.2 These General Conditions of Sale (Commercial Conditions) govern the commercial relations between CERTIFICATE OF COMPUTER and its customer, deriving from the Contract under which CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY undertakes to provide its customer with the European Certificate of Conformity C.O.C.; the customer undertakes to pay the buyer the agreed remuneration in advance.
1.3 The subject matter of the Contract concerns the acquisition of the European Certificate of Conformity (C.C.) for the imported vehicle (new or second-hand) pursuant to Article 16 of Law no. 725/2004 Coll. on commercial conditions for driving vehicles in road traffic and on modifications and modifications of certain acts as amended. The European Certificate of Conformity (C.O.C) is a document confirming that the type of vehicle manufactured completes all the technical requirements prescribed for such homologation by the EU (hereinafter referred to as the European Certificate of Conformity).
1.4 These commercial conditions delimit and determine the rights and obligations of the customer and the COMPETITIVENESS CERTIFICATE deriving from the Conformity Certification Contract and their updated text is an integral part of the Contract. These commercial conditions are binding on the two contracting parties.
1.5 In the event that the customer and the CONFORMORATION CERTIFICATE have not entered into a Special Intermediary Contract for a written certificate of conformity, it is considered that the intermediary contract for a certificate of conformity has been entered through the e-commerce system at (website).
1.6 By the customer, any natural or legal person who, after authorization, has sent an electronic order for a certificate of conformity that has been developed by the website system.
1.7 Anyone who declares to have read the General Conditions of Sale at the time of the order of the Certificate of Conformity on the site
(2) Conformity Certificate CONTROL
1 The order shall be defined by the electronic form in which all the customer’s information and the vehicle data from which we will issue the European certificate of conformity is entered.
2 The customer in making the order declares to take note without reservation of the electronic form of communication, in particular via and on the Internet and to engage both contracting parties.
3 Each check must include:
3.1 Customer name, address of domicile, e-mail address, where applicable the postal address if the latter is not the same as that of the home, telephone number, billing data,
3.2. The mark, the date of first entry into circulation of the vehicle, the V.I.N. (vehicle identification number) the model name.
4 The online sales contract for the European Certificate of Conformity between the customer and the trader shall be concluded in the order under the following conditions:
5 The electronic confirmation (by e-mail) is not considered the confirmation of the order, which depends on the validation of the payment by Paypal or Banque Populaire. Once the payment has been validated, the order is then taken into account and processed giving rise to a trial obligation. If it cannot be processed, the customer will be refunded the amount committed by check or Paypal.
1 The customer is required to:
1.1 to enter the actual control of the data.
1.2 pay in time and in the manner agreed on the amount due for the issue of the certificate of conformity,
1.3 to update your personal data and billing details in case of change of address by sending them by e-mail to the customer service
1.4 to guarantee receipt of the European Certificate of Conformity while being available at the telephone number determined or present at the delivery address of the certificate during the days of its delivery.
2 The customer has the right:
2.1 to cancel your order before payment
2.2 to be reimbursed the amount paid in the event of non-existence, not the issue of the European certificate of conformity for the vehicle in question or if it is impossible to execute your order. If necessary, the amount of the amount due paid will be refunded to the customer without delay.
1.1 to provide the Customer with the European Certificate of Conformity according to the data entered in the order; in the event that it would be impossible to obtain a Compliance Certificate, the Company may take measures to obtain any other approval document, depending on the technical characteristics of the vehicle and subject to the fulfillment by the Customer of further formalities at its expense, in order to obtain a prefect. In some cases, the certificate of conformity may prove insufficient to obtain the registration card directly in the prefecture; therefore, additional formalities must be carried out at the expense of the customer.
1.2 to provide the European certificate of customs conformity of conformity as soon as possible,
1.3 inform the customer without delay of the circumstances that may lead to a delay in order processing and a delay in the time necessary for the acquisition of the European certificate of conformity.
2 COMPLICATE OF CONFORM reserves the right to:
2.1 to be duly and in time by the customer for the issue of the European Certificate of Conformity
2.2 to deactivate the system for technical and maintenance reasons, which may make the website temporarily inaccessible,
2.3 to terminate the contract in case of non-payment by the customer within the specified advance period.
2.4. refuse the order in the event that the customer has debts in previous orders to the merchant at the time of ordering,
2.5 to terminate the contract in the event of non-existence of the European certificate of conformity or in the event that the order cannot be completed.

5.1 The remuneration for purchasing the certificate of conformity is paid by PayPal or the secure site CB Banque populaire - electronic payment services Banque populaire populaire populaire (
5.2 The remuneration for the acquisition and delivery of the certificate of conformity shall be deemed to be paid at the time of crediting the account of the purchaser with the total amount of the amount if the two contracting parties have not agreed in writing another payment method.
5.3 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORME requires the payment of your remuneration for the acquisition of the certificate of conformity in advance after receiving the final confirmation from the customer through the payment Paypal or CB Banque Populaire if the commercial conditions or the agreement concluded between the two contracting parties do not provide otherwise.
5.4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE reserves the right to agree with the customer payment conditions other than those contained in the Terms of Commerce.
5.6 COMPUTER CERTIFICATE accepts payments by check and bank transfer exclusively for mass orders.

6.1 The time spent on the ordering procedure and the provision of the certificate of conformity shall be individualised as they depend on the vehicle brand.
6.2 The terms for the supply of the various certificates of conformity on the site are indicative and depend on the conditions of COMPUTER CERTIFICATE partners. The terms for the execution of orders and the delivery of the certificate are individual and depend on the type, the brand of the vehicle and the country of first entry into service. All announced deadlines are calculated in working days. In exceptional cases, the delivery time may vary without exceeding three months from the time of payment of the order or from the last date of receipt of all documents necessary for the publication of the certificate of approval for obtaining the COC (European certificate of conformity) or 6 months for obtaining the identity certificate or any other custom-made document.
6.3 The withdrawal period for receipt of payment by the customer is not included in the delivery period.
6.4 Carriage to delivery address is provided by the Post Office or up.
6.5 The registration will be understood as acceptance of the order through an electronic means of communication. The order must be concluded on the date indicated and not on the date of delivery of the European certificate of conformity or any other document assisting in obtaining a registration card of the prefecture. If this period expires on Saturday or Sunday or the public holiday, it will be extended until the next working day.
If the European case or certificate of conformity does not exist, please refer to "Certsite
NB: when the order is paid, the customer undertakes to provide all the documents required to be able to carry out the service (certificate of approval); if necessary, 50% of the registration fee will be retained in the amount of the order in case of cancellation; finally, if the customer decides at the same time to apply to another supplier and wishes to cancel the order, a deduction of 50% of the sums paid will be retained.
6.6 Information about rates:

The rates are detailed on the website The Company undertakes to guarantee the Client the maintenance of the fee in which the payment was made on the day of the order, being specified, however, that this guarantee does not apply to the additional costs that may be required by the Customer to obtain an approval document other than the European Certificate of Conformity. Obtaining the certificate of conformity or any other approval document may, in the following cases, result in the invoicing of additional costs for the Customer, a flat rate at a price of 350 EUR, unless there are exceptions to the quote:
- The date of entry into circulation is earlier than 1998
- A certificate for a passenger vehicle was ordered instead of a professional vehicle (change of category)
- The vehicle is not subject to European or national standards
The check covers a special vehicle (military, embassy, etc.)
- The request concerns additional documents not provided by the Customer (e.g. optical compliance (difficulty) for English vehicles)
- The letter K of the vehicle registration card is incomplete or absent
- Some statements are missing from the registration card
The number of the frame indicated in relation to the order is incorrect
- The vehicle is for export (outside France)
- The country of registration of the first vehicle is different from the last registration
The Customer can contact the Company by e-mail at the following address: or by phone to obtain the rate for the desired approval document. The rates indicated shall be fixed for a minimum period of one month.

7.1 Cancellation of the order by the customer:
The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in relation to contracts:
1. (a) Provision of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose execution began with the prior express consent of the consumer and expressly waives his right of withdrawal.
2. (b) Pursuant to Article L.121-20-2(3) of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for goods made according to the specifications of the consumer or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned.
3. (c) After confirmation of the order (PayPal payment validated), or CB Banque Populaire, the latter can no longer be cancelled by the Customer. Those provisions shall also apply to the habitual customer, unless the contracting parties reach another agreement.
7.2 Cancellation of the order by the buyer:
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE reserves the right to cancel all or part of the order under the following conditions:
1. (a) it is impossible to obtain the certificate of conformity or the price set by the subcontractor has changed significantly. Where appropriate, FUEL OF COMPUTER will contact the customer without delay in order to agree on future steps,
2. (b) if, despite all efforts that may reasonably be required of the buyer and the buyer is not able to provide the certificate of conformity within the specified term and at the price or at the price agreed on the website and if there is no other agreement with the customer.
When the order is placed between professionals or natural persons, the service is invoiced and can therefore apply to the application of the application of the application in cases where the latter wishes to abandon the order, does not provide the required documents, if the certificate of conformity is not possible and gives rise to an increase in the price... the costs represent EUR 50
If the customer has already paid all or part of the full amount of the remuneration, the amount paid will be refunded by Paypal, check or transfer. This amount will be reimbursed as soon as possible.
In the event that the customer wishes to waive his order as a result of changes in cgv due to the increase in the cost of the certificate of approval or the unavailability of the European certificate of conformity, the latter must send a letter that unequivocally expresses his willingness to withdraw and with the words "contract" on the envelope and attach the photocopy of the identity of the buyer.
(c) If the consumer has expressly requested during the ordering process to be able to benefit from the withdrawal period as provided for in Article L121-21 of the Consumer Code, the consumer therefore has a period of 14 days to exercise his right of withdrawal.
8) CONTROL THE Certificate of Conformity
8 The buyer will not be liable in the event of:
1. (a) delay in delivery of the certificate of conformity caused by the incorrect address of the customer or the recipient of the delivery;
2. b) defective data contained in the certificate of conformity following an unarmed entry of the data in the order by the customer,
3. (c) loss of mail caused by an incorrect address entered by the customer as the recipient of the delivery.
Since 1 January 2016, every consumer has the right to call a consumer mediator free of charge in order to resolve a dispute between him and a trader. This is the principle set out in the Ordinance of 20 August 2015 on the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes transposing the European Directive of 21 May 2013 (2013/11/EU) in the Consumer Code.

9.1 Any defects in the certificate of conformity must be communicated without delay to the COMPLETE CERTIFICATE by e-mail and the certificate of conformity presenting this insufficiency must be sent with the invoice attached to the address of the buyer’s headquarters. After receipt of the certificate of conformity that is the subject of the complaint and after acknowlingy the merits of the complaint, the buyer is required to contact the customer to reach an agreement following his complaint.
9.2 The supplier is only liable for defects in the certificate of conformity that would be claimed by its deed. The customer has the right to request the correction of the certificate of conformity by sending a new certificate of conformity to the costs of the supplier. If it is impossible for the supplier to obtain a new certificate of conformity or if the purchase represents an inappropriate cost or if the supplier is unable to provide the new certificate of conformity within a reasonable time, the customer has the right to withdraw from the certificate of conformity and to request reimbursement of the remuneration paid.
9.3 In the event of a defect in the Certificate of Conformity, the liability is that of the vehicle manufacturer (e.g. error in the VIN number of the vehicle or an error in registration which is grounds for refusal for the purpose of providing the corresponding certificate of conformity), the supplier shall not, at the request of the customer, provide the certificate of conformity without defect unless the vehicle data have been incorrect at the time of the electronic order by the customer. Such cooperation, in accordance with the preceding sentence, shall in no case be regarded as an acceptance of liability by the supplier of such defects in the certificate of conformity. Unless the Contracting Parties agree otherwise, the costs incurred by providing a certificate of conformity without defects will be covered by the Customer.

10.1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE collects personal data exclusively to fulfill its obligations towards the customer and will use them in particular for the preparation of the invoice, to contact the customer for the purpose of processing his order and to give him the certificate of conformity. The buyer is responsible for the use of the customer's personal data for other purposes and to make them available to third parties (avaid the data necessary to make available for the delivery of the certificate).
10.2 COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE collects the following personal information: first name and last name, address, e-mail address and telephone number.
10.3 CERTIFIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE may make available to third parties or to the public data relating to customers, website traffic, turnover and other data where such data makes it impossible to identify customers.
11.1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE reserves the right to modify or unilaterally supplement the aforementioned Commercial Conditions. CERTIFICATE is a website and the property of Rendez-vous 123 LLC. Any modification and addition to the Conditions of Commerce will come into force at the time of publication of the full (updated) text of the so-called Commercial Conditions of the website The amended and integrated conditions shall come into force on the date specified therein.
11.2 The commercial conditions applicable to the individual relationship between the customer and the supplier are those published on the buyer’s website on the day of the final confirmation of the electronic order by the customer, except in cases where other conditions have been agreed and in writing between the contracting parties.
11.3 By sending the electronic order confirmation, the customer will accept without reservation all the provisions of the Commercial Conditions in force on the day of the shipment of the electronic order.
11.4 The conditions of trade take effect on the date of entry into force from the day of publication on the site, i.e. 08-04-2019.